In this unit children learn to use prepared databases to answer questions which rely on more than one variable. They will present data in graphical form, print out their graphs and use them to help them answer questions relating to the data.
Children will be able to build on what they have learnt in this unit when: investigating possible relationships between data in history, geography, science and mathematics; undertaking investigations that rely on more data than they are able to collect for themselves, for example when searching for information on the World Wide Web.
Where this unit fits in
This unit builds on Unit 4D 'Collecting and presenting information: questionnaires and pie charts' and Unit 3C 'Introduction to databases'.
The unit assumes that children:
- know that data can be collected and represented in different formats, eg tables, pictograms, bar charts, pie charts
- understand that data needs to be sorted and organised so that information can be found easily
- know that data records consist of fields into which data is entered
- can sift and skim read information.
- OR
- a variety of prepared databases including a database on birds
- data handling software that uses logical operators including 'AND' and 'OR' for searching data
- Internet access (optional)
Software suitable to use:
Textease CT (Softease) Kent Discount
First Workshop (Blackcat)
Junior Viewpoint (Logotron)
FlexiDATA Flexible Software
2Investigate (2Simple)
Junior Pinpoint RM, Longman
RM Information Magic
Granada Database Granada
Online Resources-for Teachers: engines as Databases:-
technique: to search a database using =< and =>
key idea: that searches can be carried out using more than one criterion
technique: to search a database using 'AND'
technique: to search a database using 'OR'
key idea: that information found is often unhelpful
technique: to skim read and sift information to modify a search strategy
- to use complex searches to locate information
- to use IT to test an hypothesis
Lesson 1
Recap on Databases units in both year 3 and 4. specifically the questioning element within branching databases. Draw similarities to the questions they had to create previously giving a true or false answer.
Show example of example record and each field, highlighting the differences of entering text and entering an option from the drop down lists on all screens using AB tutor software.
Demonstrate how to upload an image and where to find resources needed on the school network.
Main:- part 1
Using a previously created shared class database- based on the personal details of the class. Fields should include written information unique to the individuals, as well as using lists for example eye colour and hair colour.
Recap on the meaning of fields and records within a database and how to add a new record.
Demonstrate how to upload an image or draw a picture of themselves.
While individuals are adding the information at different times the database will not be ready to use until all fields are complete. (Plans to use the data next lesson)
Fields to include in the database:- Photo, first name, last name, D.O.B, age, eye colour, hair colour, height, favourite food, Favourite TV, Favourite Hobby, Best friend
Main:- part 2 (Paired activity)
Recap on grouping and sorting within a database, using the fruit database already stored with 2investigate.
Sort using different fields and with a partner make up questions and find the answers taking it in turns to ask the questions and answer them.
Share questions and answers with a few pairs whilst displaying on all screens using AB tutor software
Lesson 2
Quick demonstration of the differences of paper based databases and computer based databases using the students.
1) What benefits does a computer based database have over a paper one?
2) Where might you find a database, and what would it be used for?
3) What benefits do paper records have?
Recap on previous lesson, using database to show examples on all screens via AB tutor software
Clarify misconceptions on some of the fields that were not entered correctly.
Make sure that the photos taken of individuals are uploaded to the records in database.
Add the heights of individuals who didn't have this information during the previous lesson.
Change information that was entered incorrectly.
Using the shared database answer the questions using the sorting and grouping facility.
Create own questions from the database.
link to question sheet
Start to plan a database on a topic of interest
Think about what information you need and what the fields will record. Will they be text or drop list answers?
Link to database plan
Go through questions comparing answers
Discuss why there may be differences in answers?
Show the children a prepared database, eg properties of materials or planets in the solar system. Ask them to look carefully at how the data is organised. Remind them of how to carry out simple searches using '=' and sorting on one field. Discuss questions which require other types of searches, eg which planets have moons?
Discuss with the class the problems that might arise when searching a vast store of information such as the World Wide Web, and the need for focused searches.
Show the class how to use '=<' and '=>' in a search. Ask the children to work in groups to answer comparative questions.
Show the class how to use 'AND' in a search. Ask the children to work in groups to convert questions into search criteria using 'AND'. Ask them to check their answers by searching on each criterion separately.
Show the class how to use 'OR' in a search. Ask the children to work in groups to convert questions into search criteria using 'OR'. Ask them to check their answers by searching on each criterion separately.
Use an American CD-ROM encyclopedia, or an Internet search engine, to search for information on a topic such as 'Birmingham' or 'football' which will locate a mixture of American and other information. Print out some of the material found and ask the class to skim read it to decide if it is useful. Discuss why the information is not what was expected. Discuss ways of modifying the search such as "Birmingham AND England". Discuss with the class how the unstructured nature of the World Wide Web requires search strategies to be modified in the light of findings.
As part of a science topic on flight, introduce a prepared database on birds. Talk about the limitations of using printed graphs to spot relationships in data. Show the children how to use the facilities of the data-handling package to search the data using 'AND' and then 'OR'. For example they could be asked to find birds that are over 20cm long 'AND' lay more than five eggs, or to search for birds that are over 20cm long 'OR' lay a clutch of five eggs. The children should print graphs of their results and identify the differences between the two searches.
Ask the children to search the data on birds to look for evidence to prove or disprove that the number of eggs laid by particular birds depends upon the size of the bird. Graphs should be produced as evidence to support their conclusions.
most children will: use 'AND', 'OR', '=<' and '=>' in their searches
some children will not have made so much progress and will: carry out searches using two or more criteria
some children will have progressed further and will: carry out complex searches to check hypotheses.
2Simple 2Assess
Databases-More or Less,
Databases-And search,
Databases-Or Search,
Databases-Mixed Questions.
Activities by QCA- Databases-More or Less, Databases-and Searches, Databases or searches, Databases-includes, Databases mixed questions
Pupil Self Assessment
I know what a database is used for
I have participated in a class shared database.
L3: I can load and prepare a database?
L3: Enter data into a database?
L3: Check for mistakes in the data and change them?
L3: Sort the data?
L3: Search the database to answer questions?
L3: Show data as a graph
L3: Use a CD-Rom to find a topic, or search an alternative database; for example within a program or on the www?
L4: Enter accurate data to achieve accurate results?
L4: Add and remove data from records?
L5: Design a data collection form and accurately collect data
L5: Make my own database?
L5: Save my own databases?
L2: Search and sort?
L2: Enter and read data?
L3: Print from my database?
L 4/5: I have added collected information to a database. I have used it to answer my questions and to locate a relationship between areas of data?
Discuss with the class the problems that might arise when searching a vast store of information such as the World Wide Web, and the need for focused searches.
Show the class how to use '=<' and '=>' in a search. Ask the children to work in groups to answer comparative questions.
Show the class how to use 'AND' in a search. Ask the children to work in groups to convert questions into search criteria using 'AND'. Ask them to check their answers by searching on each criterion separately.
Show the class how to use 'OR' in a search. Ask the children to work in groups to convert questions into search criteria using 'OR'. Ask them to check their answers by searching on each criterion separately.
Use an American CD-ROM encyclopedia, or an Internet search engine, to search for information on a topic such as 'Birmingham' or 'football' which will locate a mixture of American and other information. Print out some of the material found and ask the class to skim read it to decide if it is useful. Discuss why the information is not what was expected. Discuss ways of modifying the search such as "Birmingham AND England". Discuss with the class how the unstructured nature of the World Wide Web requires search strategies to be modified in the light of findings.
As part of a science topic on flight, introduce a prepared database on birds. Talk about the limitations of using printed graphs to spot relationships in data. Show the children how to use the facilities of the data-handling package to search the data using 'AND' and then 'OR'. For example they could be asked to find birds that are over 20cm long 'AND' lay more than five eggs, or to search for birds that are over 20cm long 'OR' lay a clutch of five eggs. The children should print graphs of their results and identify the differences between the two searches.
Ask the children to search the data on birds to look for evidence to prove or disprove that the number of eggs laid by particular birds depends upon the size of the bird. Graphs should be produced as evidence to support their conclusions.
most children will: use 'AND', 'OR', '=<' and '=>' in their searches
some children will not have made so much progress and will: carry out searches using two or more criteria
some children will have progressed further and will: carry out complex searches to check hypotheses.
2Simple 2Assess
Databases-More or Less,
Databases-And search,
Databases-Or Search,
Databases-Mixed Questions.
Activities by QCA- Databases-More or Less, Databases-and Searches, Databases or searches, Databases-includes, Databases mixed questions
Pupil Self Assessment
I know what a database is used for
I have participated in a class shared database.
L3: I can load and prepare a database?
L3: Enter data into a database?
L3: Check for mistakes in the data and change them?
L3: Sort the data?
L3: Search the database to answer questions?
L3: Show data as a graph
L3: Use a CD-Rom to find a topic, or search an alternative database; for example within a program or on the www?
L4: Enter accurate data to achieve accurate results?
L4: Add and remove data from records?
L5: Design a data collection form and accurately collect data
L5: Make my own database?
L5: Save my own databases?
L2: Search and sort?
L2: Enter and read data?
L3: Print from my database?
L 4/5: I have added collected information to a database. I have used it to answer my questions and to locate a relationship between areas of data?